What happens when your son or daughter likes music that you don’t approve of? While there are warning labels on music, does that really stop your children from purchasing or listening to it?
Although children are investigative and like to learn for themselves, it helps when they have parents who are available to listen to them and can help teach them.
As a San Diego divorce lawyer, I see too often parents who are unable to communicate with each other. Unfortunately, when parents cannot communicate with each other it is extremely difficult if not impossible for them to agree to rules for their children to follow. This happens too often when there are custody disputes. It is difficult for parents who are involved in the divorce and child custody process to set aside their differences and focus on the needs of their children.
I hear many parents upset about the type of music that is available for children to listen to. Music is an area where rules should be set and agreed to so that parents can ensure that their children are listening to age appropriate songs.
As a divorce lawyer in San Diego, I discuss these issues with my clients so they understand the importance of co-parenting.