Each and every new year people sit and contemplate the past year, which has just concluded. They look towards finances and past regrets and make resolutions that they most likely will forget in the coming months.
One issue that I would argue should be contemplated is that of child custody and visitation. If you have had problems regarding your current court ordered child custody and visitation plan, most likely the issues are not going to resolve themselves.
I have heard many people say that going forward I am sure the other party will start coparenting with me because it is the right thing to do. This wishful thinking is nice, and while I am sure that some issues may resolve themselves on their own, the majority of issues in your current child custody and visitation plan cannot be resolved without outside help.
Sometimes all that is needed are some minor tweaks here and there in order to resolve issues with a child custody and visitation plan. More often, there are so many issues with the current child custody and visitation plan that a complete modification is necessary.
My background as a child custody attorney in San Diego California has provided me the knowledge and ability to look at a current child custody and visitation plan and be able to make suggestions and recommendations about how to modify it to make it more effective. It is important for you to find someone who is knowledgeable in drafting a child custody and visitation plan in order to create a plan that is best for you and is in the best interests of your child.
The year is yours to make the best of it that you can. Take control of an outdated or ineffective child custody and visitation plan and make the changes that can improve co-parenting and make your child happier.
To inquire further about drafting a child custody and visitation plan look for a local family law attorney who can discuss this process as it relates to your specific situation. In San Diego, contact the Law Offices of Brian A. Victor for more information on a child custody and visitation plan. www.brianvictorlaw.com