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Brian A. Victor
Rated by Super Lawyers

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Brian A. Victor
Rated by Super Lawyers

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Brian A. Victor
Rated by Super Lawyers

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Brian A. Victor
Rated by Super Lawyers

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Brian A. Victor
Rated by Super Lawyers

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Top 10 Family Attorneys

Testimonial – Client, Tess B.

“From the moment that I filed for divorce and child custody, I had 100% confidence in Brian. Each step of the way he kept me informed and prepared. I found his knowledge and background with divorce and child custody to be more than comforting. He was prompt in all responses or concerns that I had as well. I will most definitely refer a friend to him for his services and I would hire him again in a heartbeat should that ever be necessary. Thanks Brian!" Read more

Marriage Settlement Agreements (MSA)

Marriage Settlement Agreements, known as a divorce settlement agreement in California, is a written agreement between spouses that are dissolving their marriage. It usually accompanies the filing of a judgment for divorce with the court.

Marriage Settlement Agreements specifically state what the terms of the relationship are after the marriage is dissolved. The agreement includes how to split property acquired before and during the marriage and any businesses that either party owns. It also states who the children of the marriage spend time with and spells out any financial arrangements between the parties. You can include in marriage settlement agreements all assets and debts and other types of property and how they are to be divided.

If you are looking to create a marriage settlement agreement for your divorce matter, contact the Law Offices of Brian A. Victor at 858-633-3529 for immediate assistance.